POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Making Large Hardcopy : Making Large Hardcopy Server Time
4 Nov 2024 19:18:42 EST (-0500)
  Making Large Hardcopy  
From: Hershel Robinson
Date: 6 Nov 2001 13:17:05
Message: <3be82921@news.povray.org>
I have an image of which I would like to make a large trace, around 3 feet
by 3 feet perhaps, and then print.  I was thinking of sending it to a
professional photo studio and have them make a photographic print hard copy.
I think I remember someone discussing this very question a few months ago.

My questions:

1 Is this a sound idea?

2 Anyone know of a photo studio near Detroit, Michigan (or anywhere else in
the US for that matter) which could do such a thing?

3 Any advice as to how to render?  The image I have looks great on the
screen, but will it print more or less the same?

4 Any advice as to how to send the thing?  I presume they will ask for a
JPG.  Should I optimize it at all or am I going to end up with significantly
lesser quality on the print?

If anyone wants to take a look at the image, some test runs are here:
(I apologize for the advertising)

By the way, I am a real beginner so any advice as to how to render, i.e.
global options or anti-aliasing, is much appreciated.  I am using this for
now, but I copied it from someone else and don't really know what most of it
means.  I am learning more all the time, but I need to print this out now
for a gift:


  max_trace_level 20
  assumed_gamma 1
  ambient_light 1
  // ini_option "+QR"

    pretrace_start 16/image_width
    pretrace_end   4/image_width
    count 50
    error_bound 0.1
    recursion_limit 1
    normal on


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